5 Ways to Quit Procrastinating



5 Ways to Quit Procrastinating Starting Today


Ha!  A “Procrastinators Unite Tomorrow” t-shirt for your favorite procrastinator!  We laugh, but in all seriousness, procrastination can be a huge debilitating issue in both your personal and professional lives. 

Why should you stop procrastinating? Because procrastination can cost you money and damage your reputation.  Think I’m exaggerating?  Ever put off getting gas and have to stop at the most expensive gas station?  Ever hit the snooze button so many times you’re late for work?  Exactly.  The more you procrastinate, the more you will damage your personal, financial and professional relationships. Keep on reading for 5 ways to conquer procrastination today!

Five bucks says you’re procrastinating right now while reading about procrastination.  What’s not getting done?  Housecleaning, book reading, bill paying?  Believe me…I can think of a million other things I’d rather do than something I don’t want to do!

Why do you procrastinate?

What I know about myself is that the number one reason I procrastinate is not knowing how to do something.  I will find forty non-important items to check off my list and call it a day.

So…why do you procrastinate?  Are you a perfectionist?  Unmotivated?  Whatever the reason, it’s time to change that nasty little habit…today…not tomorrow.

Check out these easy and effective tips to conquer procrastination starting today:

  1. Stop hitting snooze – is that really how you want to live life?  Snoozing??
  2. Make a to-do list – it doesn’t have to be a perfect list made with your favorite pen in your best handwriting – it just has to EXIST!
  3. Tackle the hard items first – you will be amazed at how clear your head is afterward.
  4. Stop saying “yes” to things you don’t want or need to do – this is a recipe for a procrastination disaster!
  5. Don’t know how to do something on your list – Google it! You’re not the first person with that problem and you certainly won’t be the last.  The worldwide web is an amazing tool!

This cute graphic t-shirt is meant to be funny, however we truly do hope that these 5 tips can help you help you to lead a more productive peaceful life!

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